October 16, 2015

Hearthstone fun

1:29 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I've been playing a bit of Hearthstone again. Not because you care or because I'm good, but because ... well because! SMILEYFACE!
I mainly want to do gimmick decks in the style of TotalBiscuit. Windfury, mech, charge, all those idiotic but amazingly fun things. Me is excited. 
However, the excitement will probably have to wait for quite a while. I do not have the money to buy all the cards, I don't even have everything from the basic set. I mainly get my cards through Arena and tavern brawls. I did buy one of the advnetures (like the first one I think) and I did get some cards from there, but these are all very slow ways of getting all the cards to build fun gimmick decks.

The most recent tavern brawl looks fun though! I love those where you don't have to construct your own decks because I have no cards and I'm really bad at it ._. 


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