November 14, 2015


3:43 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
I have this ... well, sort of dream or something like that. It's more of a "I would really want to do this if it was even possible" and that is to become a Hearthstone pro player. I'm not saying that Hearthstone is the most serious of esports, but that's why I like it. I'm not into serious games, I guess. 

Hearthstone got me interested while it was in Beta, and that's when I played it first. It was a lot of fun and I even got kinda sorta good with Druid at one point. I also played some Mage, but other than that my efforts are quite split between the heroes. I WoW I've really just been a Death Knight kind of person ever since I started playing. Not because they start at a higher level, but because they simply fit my playstyle. Or at least they did before the many changes that I no longer keep track off. I haven't played WoW in a while (though you can expect me to return when Legion arrives at the latest) but hey, I still consider myself a WoW player. 

Back to Hearthstone. 
I don't even have all the cards from the vanilla expert set or whatever it was. I think I do have all the cards from Naxx but other than that ... dude I got like no cards. I spent a total og 20$ on that game in total I believe, which is like ... nothing. 

I was thinking about documenting my journey from total noob and all the way until I hit the pro scene, which could be so far away. It's not my top priority, which is why I'm not doing it right now (as I know it would need to be if I wanted to be pro) but I just think that some day ... that could be a path that I would want to walk down. Just to see what happens. 


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