March 29, 2014

Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine - Review

Developer: Pocketwatch Games
Publisher: Majesco Entertainment
Designers: Andy Schatz, Andy Nguyen
Artist: Adam deGrandis
Composer: Austin Wintory
Platoforms: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X (Steam), Xbox 360 (Xbox Live Arcade), Linux
Release date: April 24th
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Co-op and single player

Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine is a top-down heist game where you can only see what's in your characters line of sight. You have different characters with different roles and abilities (example: the locksmith, opens locks and doors quicker and the mole, able to dig through walls), some are avalible from the start while other have to be unlocked through heists. You also collect coins that you find thorughout the area.

Just an example of how you can't see jack shit if you're behind a corner. Also, my brightness was low as hell.
On steam it says that it's a casual game. Nah. I'm stressed as hell while I run around without vision, collecting coins and wondering where the hell I'm suppose to go. It's that funny kind of stress though.

The controls are easy, you just move around with arrows, aim your gun with your mouse (I didn't use one while playing, so shooting didn't go too well) and that's pretty much it. Fine, fine. I'd of course love a game I could play, only using my keyboard, but it's fine, really.

Graphics, as well as music/sounds are great. The graphics are kinda cute actually (I'm a girl, yes) and I like how it's mostly so dark with glowing and all. The music, as I mentioned in the first impression (link) makes me smile. It fits what you're doing and sets the mood very well.

Now, I'll be honest with you and say that I really didn't play the game all that much. While I found it entertaining, I wasn't overly thrilled by it (note, it takes A LOT to get me overly thrilled by an indie game though. I'm more of a RPG player). The story was fine, you start out with finding/freeing the rest of the characters and I think it's well introduced. The fact that the game can be multiplayer is something I didn't get the chance to try (I'm so lonely, buhu) but I think it would have been much more fun if I did.

All in all, Monaco is'n a bad game at all. I did have fun and I enjoyed the different elements, I'm just not that much of a indie player. Yet, I will recommend it.


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