April 1, 2014

League of Legends - Kastalour

3:36 PM Posted by Unknown , , , No comments
In this post I'll talk about what I play and so on when I play league of legends. I just recently reached lvl 30 and I'm not said to be a very great player. But I have fun, I do decent and I'm doing this post so that you'll know what to expect from my LoL streams.

I'll be covering these subjects:
  • Champions I play
  • Game modes
  • Lanes/roles
  • Player in general

Champions I play

When I first started league, I played Ashe and Graves, but the first champion I actually learned to play was Ezreal. For a while there, I played mainly Ez and Nidalee. Then, I moved on and played a lot of ADC, and I don't really remember if I was any good at it or not. SO!
 I have no idea of how I got to it, but I started playing tanky ap champions at some point. My main as of now, is Amumu. Oh, I am so goddamn in love with that little angel of death and depression! I do something weird with him though, as I usually play him bottom lane in premade with Neollok as Ashe. Don't hate on the anti-meta! It works like bitch, and my opponents are indeed depressed by me.
  I love the tanky motherf***ers, and so I have somewhat control of playing Nautilus and Rammus as well. I rarely play them though, as I don't know jack shit of jungeling.
  Right now, I'm doing a lot of Nidalee, as I discovered I'm a killer at landing spears of pain and the mobility of kitty cat mode is hillarious!

In summary, I play: Amumu, Nidalee, Ezreal, Kog'Maw, Caitlyn, Vayne, Rammus, Nautilus and MAYBE Sona at times.

Game modes

As of the different game modes, I'm pretty boring. I play a shit load of ARAM, just because it's silly fun and I hate choosing which champion to play.
I also play Summoners Rift, normal and now also ranked. Whenever there's a new mode, I usually try that too. I loved the "all for one" and the "ultra rapid fire" (last one just because it's so incredibly stupid) and I'm looking forward to whatever they may come up with.
  Twistet Treeline, I haven't played that much. I used to play it back in 10th grade with people form my school, and rarely more than that. Why? Because I feel like the preassure is too high and I don't really have any friends who play it either.
  Dominion, I do like. Problem is, I don't know what the hell I'm doing whenever I'm playing it. I get really confused and don't really know where to go or who to help. I usually just roll around as Rammus, bumping into people.

In summary, I play: ARAM and Summoners Rift (normal, ranked and team builder).


This is where people usually flip on me. Let me start of by explaining why I play Amumu bot as a tanky, ap support(ish) and not in the jungle: I don't really jungle, opponents can't to shit to me making me a good body block if needed and I have amazing sustain. ALSO, I only play Amumu when I'm premade with Neollok. Finally, I WANT TO.

With that said, let me move on to the lanes I play.
I play bot a lot, as mentioned, premade with Neollok. In ranked, however, I've ended up mid a couple of times with Nidalee. Went pretty fine too.

What I pretty much never play is top and jungle. Whenever I enter the champion select, people are usually all over those anyway. The only times I throw myself over a position is when I'm premade and I want to get my ass botlane.

Roles, now. I mainly play as a tanky support, or just a support. I rarely play adc, simply because I suck at being squishy. I CAN do it though, if need be. I also CAN play apc, but that pretty much never happens.

In summary, I play: bot lane or mid, tanky support or carry if need be.

Player in general

As a player, I'm really not one of the aggressive flamers. They honestly ruin the game for me, and lower my moral like crazy. I don't respond though. I am mostly extremely silent in chat, as I don't see myself as a player with lots to say.

I'm not very experienced, nor am I very invested. I play a few games every now and then, I've bought a little bit of riot points whenever I felt like making Amumu look beautiful, and I've got about 50 friend, as of only 20% I can actually remember.

I wouldn't say that I suck at it though. I don't know a lot of stuff, but the stuff I do know I do pretty alright. I'd say I'm a 6/10 player most of the time, not doing bad but not notably good either. I have my moments though.

Finally, I play for fun. I'm in the process of getting involved with a full, ranked team with some friends, and it would be cool to get somewhere with it, but it's still for fun.

So that's it, guys. There you have me as a LoL player. Be sure to check out the streams at GamerKDS on Twitch.tv, and follow me on twitter/pay attention to this blog to keep updated on when I stream.


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