October 17, 2015

I want to play WoW again

6:00 PM Posted by Unknown , No comments
So I started playing World of Warcraft back when The Burning Crusade happened, so not quite form the very start but still quite early on. Earlier this year, like August or something, I had to cancel my subscription because I wasn't playing enough to make my moneys worth. I do miss it a lot, and I even find a lot of enjoyment in grinding and farming and all that stuff. I'm currently thinking that I'll get back into it when the next expansion arrives. I even got a job now, so I'm guessing I'll be able to manage that. 

I have been in a few active guilds before, most notably the one I was part of on Nordrassil. On that server I was part of a guild that I no longer can recall the name of, and it was so nice and very friendly. I think that was the first time I was really part of a nice guild that made the game more fun for me, but I've been kinda shy about actually talking properly with people there and I never dared to ask for help or join raids because I'm actually pretty bad at that game. 

I suck at world of warcraft. 

The main reason is that I've always been playing alone, or at least I've mostly been doing it. I did spend a lot of time gaming with my cousins when I was younger, but that's a long time ago and I think they didn't quite know all the raid stuff either. 
Personally, I mainly did PvE and questing that didn't require groups. I have in later times been doing dungeons at lower levels, like up to lvl 60 ish, but I don't know anything about those at higher levels. I'm baaaaad at that game, even though I'm at lvl 90 something. 

I want to be good and I want to learn new stuff. I want to get back into it. 
A friend from the school I went to and lived at a few years ago, is pretty hard into WoW and recently started streaming on Twitch. Would be really cool it she got big, actually. But anyway, she's been mentioning to me about her guild and how it's so fun and friendly. If I were to join in back in WoW, I think I'd try to play with them. I imagine playing with people could me more fun that playing alone. 

So those were a few thoughts about WoW. 
Lastly, in case you're curious, here's how I play that game:
I mainly play Death Knight and Paladin. 
I actually don't mind grinding for stuff and slaying/gathering quests. 
I like leveling my professions. 
I make too many characters that never reach high levels. 
I collect mounts. 
I usually play alone and skip quests that require a group. 
I don't have a clue about stats. 
I don't have a clue about most things, actually. 

Why do I suck so hard at this game?


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