March 29, 2014

GamerKDS is now streaming

Yesterday I started a channel names *surprise surprise* GamerKDS on TwitchTV (link) and did some hours of League of Legends. My shame, I only reached lvl 30 yesterday. SO, I took two of the ten matches, lost one bit time because I suck at full support (I usually go tanky support-ISH Amumu) and Sona, then owned ass as Nidalee mid. I totally forgot that I am about 60% decent with Nidalee. Also, we had a killer Udyr, so yeah.

Anyway! I will from now on post updates here, and on my personal twitter (link) whenever I stream. The streams will be archived on the channel, and if there's a particularly good something, I'll upload it to ... I guess youtube? Time will show.

So, let me just name what I will stream.

League of Legends, no shocker. Summoners rift, normal and ranked, ARAM cause it's silly fun and POSSIBLY some dominion every now and then. If you want to know more about my LoL plays, I'll make another post for that.

Minecraft. I play a lot of Big Dig, but I'm gonna do a lot of other mods, especially the Hex one.

Payday, I think. I love payday, but there have been some updates that I haven't played yet, however I've heard it's killed the game pretty much. We'll see.

Other Moba games that I'm gonna play, HoN, Smite and Dota comes to mind but there will also be other.

Whatever games I'm reviewing. Humble Bundle just released an open source package with 8 games, so that's gonnabe FUN. Also, I still got a lot of indie games to play.

Hope to see you around!


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