April 24, 2014

Grave - Traffic Light

For my first traffic light review, we are going to look at a survival horror game made by Tristan Parrish on Steam Greenlight. The game is about looking for useful items during daytime, as well as exploring the world. During night, the survival kicks in, as you have to fight off monsters. The only weapon you have against said monsters, which spawn randomly in the darkness during the night, is light. You will gather a variation of items to slay the monsters, for instance by pointing a flashlight at them. 

I wonder where the game wants me to go...
What makes the game even more interesting, if you are not yet convinced, is that the world seems to be ever changing. What seemed to be an empty desert when you entered a house, might not be so empty when you walk out the door again. Now if the new findings are simply illusions in the characters head, or if there is something quite mysterious in the world, is what might be interesting to find out. These monsters and seemingly illusion like world, adds a sense of wonder to the game that I very much like.

I can't seem to remember these from before... Cool.
Now I am not sure how far I got in the demo version, since I felt stuck at one point. Either I really am slightly dumb (well it did take me some time to realize I could turn the damn generator on), or I simply lack the sense of exploration. Either way, I feel like it is doing a good job for what it does.
With that said, I still do not think it offers enough. I grew tired rather quickly, so it simply needs, well, more. More has been promised though, so since this is an early demo, they have gotten quite far already. In addition, the graphics are good, which is also a plus.

The light shall burn you!
Oculus Rift. As a simple PC game as it is right now, even with the promised new content, I do not really believe it will be worth it. They do have Oculus Rift support though (did not get to try it), but as an Oculus game, I believe it is going to be simply awesome.

The recap

Good exploration, fairly good horror, maybe not really satisfying enough on PC, but awesome for Oculus, good as it is now but needs more content, which is promised in finished version. Don't get me wrong, It looks fairly awesome, I simply worry about replay ability and so on. And again, it's something that might be fun to play every now and then on an Oculus.

Keeping all of this in mind, I will either green, yellow or red light this game. Green being “yes please I want this game on steam ASAP”, while red being “no keep this game as far away from steam and me as possible”. Yellow is a "Good, but at the same time, not fantastic." sort of thing. Keep in mind that this is simply based on my opinion and experience playing the demo.

I give this game the yellow light.

Game comparison:
It's pretty much an Oculus Rift version of Alan Wake, yes?
- Neollok


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