April 21, 2014

Hello World! I'm Neollok! - New KDS writer introduced

4:41 PM Posted by Unknown , No comments
My name is Neollok. I will be making some reviews for GamerKDS. I am a gamer by heart, and I also work on making them. I will be posting game reviews every now and then, from bigger games to smaller indie games. There will be written reviews and video reviews. I will be talking about story, gameplay, graphic and sound, as well as personal overall opinion. At the end I will also try to give the game a fair score, based on these five themes. The score will be ranged from 1 to 7, don't question it, that's how it's going to work.

I hope you will find my reviews helpful. They are simply my opinion, so if you disagree, have a question, or want to point out a terrible mistake I've made, please do tell me.

Looking forward to this.


Story: My story is not amazing. It could use some more action, hard work, lots and lots more airsoft battles and LARP (Live Action Role Play). Still, it does include a lot of interesting and supporting cast, which saves the story quite a lot.

Gameplay: The gameplay is mostly repetitive. The character is mostly doing the same thing every day, with some variation like the mentioned airsoft battles and LARP. Some traveling also helps spice up the game.

Graphics: Too realistic. This game is trying to look awesome, but it mostly ends up looking quite dull.

Sound: If you're looking for a main character with a singing voice, this is not the game you're looking for. Sounds in general are ok, though the character is sadly the owner of a very crappy headset, which doesn't exactly help.

The score

Now even though I could not claim to be an expert, it is now my duty, at least to try, to give this game a fair score based on the four themes above as well as my overall personal opinion. The score will not be further explained, as everything important should be covered in the review. So without further ado, the score I will be giving Neollok is:

Score: 0.7/7

- Neollok


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