October 17, 2015

I want to play WoW again

6:00 PM Posted by Unknown , No comments
So I started playing World of Warcraft back when The Burning Crusade happened, so not quite form the very start but still quite early on. Earlier this year, like August or something, I had to cancel my subscription because I wasn't playing enough to make my moneys worth. I do miss it a lot, and I even find a lot of enjoyment in grinding and farming and all that stuff. I'm currently thinking that I'll get back into it when the next expansion arrives. I even got a job now, so I'm guessing I'll be able to manage that. 

I have been in a few active guilds before, most notably the one I was part of on Nordrassil. On that server I was part of a guild that I no longer can recall the name of, and it was so nice and very friendly. I think that was the first time I was really part of a nice guild that made the game more fun for me, but I've been kinda shy about actually talking properly with people there and I never dared to ask for help or join raids because I'm actually pretty bad at that game. 

I suck at world of warcraft. 

The main reason is that I've always been playing alone, or at least I've mostly been doing it. I did spend a lot of time gaming with my cousins when I was younger, but that's a long time ago and I think they didn't quite know all the raid stuff either. 
Personally, I mainly did PvE and questing that didn't require groups. I have in later times been doing dungeons at lower levels, like up to lvl 60 ish, but I don't know anything about those at higher levels. I'm baaaaad at that game, even though I'm at lvl 90 something. 

I want to be good and I want to learn new stuff. I want to get back into it. 
A friend from the school I went to and lived at a few years ago, is pretty hard into WoW and recently started streaming on Twitch. Would be really cool it she got big, actually. But anyway, she's been mentioning to me about her guild and how it's so fun and friendly. If I were to join in back in WoW, I think I'd try to play with them. I imagine playing with people could me more fun that playing alone. 

So those were a few thoughts about WoW. 
Lastly, in case you're curious, here's how I play that game:
I mainly play Death Knight and Paladin. 
I actually don't mind grinding for stuff and slaying/gathering quests. 
I like leveling my professions. 
I make too many characters that never reach high levels. 
I collect mounts. 
I usually play alone and skip quests that require a group. 
I don't have a clue about stats. 
I don't have a clue about most things, actually. 

Why do I suck so hard at this game?

October 16, 2015

Hearthstone fun

1:29 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I've been playing a bit of Hearthstone again. Not because you care or because I'm good, but because ... well because! SMILEYFACE!
I mainly want to do gimmick decks in the style of TotalBiscuit. Windfury, mech, charge, all those idiotic but amazingly fun things. Me is excited. 
However, the excitement will probably have to wait for quite a while. I do not have the money to buy all the cards, I don't even have everything from the basic set. I mainly get my cards through Arena and tavern brawls. I did buy one of the advnetures (like the first one I think) and I did get some cards from there, but these are all very slow ways of getting all the cards to build fun gimmick decks.

The most recent tavern brawl looks fun though! I love those where you don't have to construct your own decks because I have no cards and I'm really bad at it ._. 

October 15, 2015

So much Skyrim

4:13 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
I'll still say that there are too many caves (and now also too much climbing mountains) in Skyrim for my taste, but I've been getting into it again lately. For the last week I've been playing more games all together and it's been awesome! I really am a gamer after all. Softcore, perhaps, but still a gamer. 

So yesterday I did a bunch of smaller things in Skyrim. I found out that I did buy a house in Riften as well as the one in Windhelm, and guess what. There was a delightful husband waiting there at the house for me, calling me "love" and giving me money from the little shop he opened. That's too cute. I love him so much. This is proof that I've been getting quite lonely during my 8 months of single life. Fascinating. 
I actually love my little darling so much that I wanted to give him a better home. I spent all of yesterday enchanting and crafting jewlery, roaming all over Skyrim to find vendors with enough money to sell it, and even did some thieves guild quests to up my fences. I got almost 20,000 gold so that I could buy the house in Solitude. 
FYI that house looks sooooooo not nice when nothing is upgraded. Our home in Riften is so cute and lovely, I don't really want him to live in the shitty, dusty, webby mansion just yet. However, I feel like him living there now would make me want to upgrade it sooner, so who knows. I now have three households! I am a KITTY CAT THANE! 

I don't know how it happened really. I did honestly not care too much for Skyrim at first, but I'm having so much fun with it now. Roaming around, killing stuff and getting better at things. I still shy away from the most difficult things mainly because I don't like my games to be that difficult. The major questlines are waiting for me to get buff and cool first. Also debating what to do first. Maybe thieves guild because coins. I just wish my sneak was better.

October 12, 2015

My kind of RPG fun

1:01 PM Posted by Unknown , , , , No comments
It has and will again be mentioned that I an a very softcore gamer. I don't find much enjoyment in challenges. I like the journey to be comfortable and fun, I like to focus on the story and stuff. I don't know why it is this way when people just loooooove to spend forever on a boss that takes days to beat, but I just don't like it.

I recently made a video on my youtube channel where I spoke about The Elder Scrolls Oblivion and why I like it better than Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is pretty damn great as well! It's just not quite the things that I love. All the caves, ruins and bitchy people? Nah. I have tried to continue on with the storyline so that I can get buffed and powerful (which is how I like to be) but whenever I try to jump back in, I am required to go through a shitlong ruin or a cave and I just ... no. I'm very bad at fighting, I am very bad at navigating through the dark and I'm very bad at avoiding traps. These is the reasons for my spending even longer in these caves and ruins. Mehrhrrr.

One of the things that I love the most in any rpg is to run around doing small tasks in the cities. I love buying the houses and decorating them, stashing all my treasures on the shelves of my Skingrad home or in the mansion that I just sorta ... took over after the dinner party (hugs for those that knows what quest that was). I love how I can get a wife and a thane in Skyrim tho. Or a husband. I mean Skyrim doesn't care what kind of love you desire, boy or girl or lizzard or cat, whatever. LOVE IS LOVE!

In oblivion there were many small quests like "talk to my wife and get this thing back" or "I LOST MY RING INSIDE A GIANT FISH PLS HELP" (btw those fishes outside of Imperial City aren't fun to play with. I love that.

Even in other games such as Kingdoms of Amalour: Reckoning (btw my fav RPG except of TES) I really love those small things, such as ramping through the house of ballads and kicking all that ... butt. All that butt.
In Fable too, I love to manage my houses and stores. Those everyday things within an RPG are the things that I love the most. Sure the story is fun and SUPAPOWERS are all the fun in the world, but seriously. I just love, love absolutely love being the biggest badass who owns the world. It's amazing.

Well, those were a few of my thoughts in RPGs and the fun. Fuuuun.
Ok bye.