October 12, 2015

My kind of RPG fun

1:01 PM Posted by Unknown , , , , No comments
It has and will again be mentioned that I an a very softcore gamer. I don't find much enjoyment in challenges. I like the journey to be comfortable and fun, I like to focus on the story and stuff. I don't know why it is this way when people just loooooove to spend forever on a boss that takes days to beat, but I just don't like it.

I recently made a video on my youtube channel where I spoke about The Elder Scrolls Oblivion and why I like it better than Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is pretty damn great as well! It's just not quite the things that I love. All the caves, ruins and bitchy people? Nah. I have tried to continue on with the storyline so that I can get buffed and powerful (which is how I like to be) but whenever I try to jump back in, I am required to go through a shitlong ruin or a cave and I just ... no. I'm very bad at fighting, I am very bad at navigating through the dark and I'm very bad at avoiding traps. These is the reasons for my spending even longer in these caves and ruins. Mehrhrrr.

One of the things that I love the most in any rpg is to run around doing small tasks in the cities. I love buying the houses and decorating them, stashing all my treasures on the shelves of my Skingrad home or in the mansion that I just sorta ... took over after the dinner party (hugs for those that knows what quest that was). I love how I can get a wife and a thane in Skyrim tho. Or a husband. I mean Skyrim doesn't care what kind of love you desire, boy or girl or lizzard or cat, whatever. LOVE IS LOVE!

In oblivion there were many small quests like "talk to my wife and get this thing back" or "I LOST MY RING INSIDE A GIANT FISH PLS HELP" (btw those fishes outside of Imperial City aren't fun to play with. I love that.

Even in other games such as Kingdoms of Amalour: Reckoning (btw my fav RPG except of TES) I really love those small things, such as ramping through the house of ballads and kicking all that ... butt. All that butt.
In Fable too, I love to manage my houses and stores. Those everyday things within an RPG are the things that I love the most. Sure the story is fun and SUPAPOWERS are all the fun in the world, but seriously. I just love, love absolutely love being the biggest badass who owns the world. It's amazing.

Well, those were a few of my thoughts in RPGs and the fun. Fuuuun.
Ok bye.


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