March 3, 2014

A quick introduction

5:36 AM Posted by Unknown , , , , No comments
To start off, I figured I'd do a quick introduction of myself. The initials in the blog's name, KDS, stands for Kaless DeShade. As of such, feel free to call me Kaless.
I am a 17 year old girl from the icen Norway, doing online school and actual school at the same time.

As a gamer, I'm mainly doing fantasy. A lot of fantasy/adventure RPG, some MMORPGs (tried several, including the beta of Elder Scrolls Online), strategy games and mobas. Recently I also developed an interest in indiegames like Fez and To The Moon. Here are some of the titles!

Halo, Kingdoms of Amalour: Reckoning, The Elder Scrolls series, Minecraft, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod, Hearthstone, Diablo, Fez, To The Moon, Civilization V, Age of Emires II, Age of Mythology, Battle For Middle Earth, Ni No Kuni, Little Big Planet, Pokemon, Saints Row, Scribblenauts, Fable, Final Fantasy Heroes of Might and Magid and so on.

MMORPG: World of Warcraft, Aion, The Elder Scrolls Online.

Moba: League of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of Newerth, Smite

Now that I introduced myself and told you about the games I play, let me tell you real quick what this blog is going to be!
Mainly, it's gonna be reviews, first impressions, expectations and so on. It's about games, really. I also work with some people making games every now and then, so I might drop a bit of that in as well.

And that's it guys!


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