March 3, 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online Beta - First Impression

I was lucky enough to be part of the beta this weekend, and I'm definetley going to make a proper review as soon as I get a better look at the recorded files (yep, it was parcially frapsed).

Let me just start with this statement: I would rather have them actually makinh a new Elder Scrolls Game, single player RPG.

I am aware that it was a beta and that the social features, as well as the pvp and such aren't fully functional until the actual lauch. I am also aware of the fact that they simply mash all the beta players into the same server and thus, it was overcrowded like helllllllll. Even so, I enjoyed the world and quests as if they were normal single player. Tried to play with a friend of mine, but that just ... eh ... nah.

Key impressions:
Should have just made a normal Elder Scrolls game. 
There's something very wrong with the system of working with other players.
BEAUTIFUL surroundings, holy damn. 
Kajiit's hands look really odd and fucked up.
The character customisation looks a lot like sims. It's alright tho, I only fix what I care about and stop when I think it looks alright.
The quests, storylines and characters are all fine.
I sorta like the crafting system, even thought it might be a bit much.
Skillsystem works pretty much like in skyrim (you upgrade either health, mana or stamina and then use a skillpoint), where you can spend skillpoints on either class trees, race, crafting, guild (fighters and mage as I saw, possibly more), weapon and armour.

And that's pretty much it for the first impression. I only played this weekend, as that was my beta period, but I really did like it and I am very much looking forward to the release! Also got 3 day early game acsess! EXCITED.

Keep an eye up for the review coming up soon!



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