March 6, 2014

Indie Game - The Movie

A couple weeks ago I found a movie on Netflix named "Indie Game - The Movie". Now, I really like it. Let me explain why.

"A documentary that follows the journeys of indie game developers as they create games and release those works, and themselves, to the world."
-the description from IMDB

 This documentary follows, in particular, the creators of "Super Meat Boy" and the creators of "Fez". I for one really love"Fez", and I've been playing it for a little while now. I know it took forever to make and that people don't like the developer, but hey ... it's a good game.

No but about the movie, I really like it. I have friends who's working hard to make it in the world of game development, and watching the documentary helped me understand their passion for it. The hell and frustration, the glorious victory and just ... living. 

It's not a long documentary, 94 min and avalivble on Netflix!
Have fun.


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