April 24, 2014

Grave - Traffic Light

For my first traffic light review, we are going to look at a survival horror game made by Tristan Parrish on Steam Greenlight. The game is about looking for useful items during daytime, as well as exploring the world. During night, the survival kicks in, as you have to fight off monsters. The only weapon you have against said monsters, which spawn randomly in the darkness during the night, is light. You will gather a variation of items to slay the monsters, for instance by pointing a flashlight at them. 

I wonder where the game wants me to go...
What makes the game even more interesting, if you are not yet convinced, is that the world seems to be ever changing. What seemed to be an empty desert when you entered a house, might not be so empty when you walk out the door again. Now if the new findings are simply illusions in the characters head, or if there is something quite mysterious in the world, is what might be interesting to find out. These monsters and seemingly illusion like world, adds a sense of wonder to the game that I very much like.

I can't seem to remember these from before... Cool.
Now I am not sure how far I got in the demo version, since I felt stuck at one point. Either I really am slightly dumb (well it did take me some time to realize I could turn the damn generator on), or I simply lack the sense of exploration. Either way, I feel like it is doing a good job for what it does.
With that said, I still do not think it offers enough. I grew tired rather quickly, so it simply needs, well, more. More has been promised though, so since this is an early demo, they have gotten quite far already. In addition, the graphics are good, which is also a plus.

The light shall burn you!
Oculus Rift. As a simple PC game as it is right now, even with the promised new content, I do not really believe it will be worth it. They do have Oculus Rift support though (did not get to try it), but as an Oculus game, I believe it is going to be simply awesome.

The recap

Good exploration, fairly good horror, maybe not really satisfying enough on PC, but awesome for Oculus, good as it is now but needs more content, which is promised in finished version. Don't get me wrong, It looks fairly awesome, I simply worry about replay ability and so on. And again, it's something that might be fun to play every now and then on an Oculus.

Keeping all of this in mind, I will either green, yellow or red light this game. Green being “yes please I want this game on steam ASAP”, while red being “no keep this game as far away from steam and me as possible”. Yellow is a "Good, but at the same time, not fantastic." sort of thing. Keep in mind that this is simply based on my opinion and experience playing the demo.

I give this game the yellow light.

Game comparison:
It's pretty much an Oculus Rift version of Alan Wake, yes?
- Neollok

April 21, 2014

WildStar - Discover the legendary planet Nexus - Beta Review

This is The new MMORPG that wants to survive the massive challenge, trying to stay alive amongst the other games of the genre. I am of course talking about World of Warcraft, as well as the very recent The Elder Scrolls Online. So what does this game have the others do not? What is it that makes WildStar so different from the others that would give you a good reason to choose this one, instead of any other MMORPG?

Don't want to read the whole thing, where I talk about the game and my opinions? You may skip to the recap and final score at the end of this review.

Keep in mind that during this beta test I only got to play as human exile engineer, so there are still more to explore for me as well. I will get to the other stuff in the next beta test with a video review.


There are two factions: The Dominion and The Exiles. They have just discovered the planet Nexus, and they cannot seem to really agree on which one of them should have this planet of legends, powerful technology and mystery. Thus, guns and blades become their solution. The Dominion is a powerful galactic empire, with a mix of assassin robots, bloodthirsty beats, tiny and crazy Chua thingies, and on the top, we have the Cassian, humans from planet Cassas described as wealthy, disciplined and superior. On the other side, we have gigantic golems, tree-hugging forest dwellers, space zombies, and the exile finest: The human rebels.

You can choose between six classes in the game, and they have been able to make all of them sound quite interesting. You have the warrior, described as the unstoppable juggernauts of brutality and combat. The Spellslinger, with lightning reflexes, quick draw skills and arcane sorcery. The Esper, masters of psionic illusion, using their minds to conjure deadly apparitions and extrasensory weaponry. The Engineer unleashes destructive long-ranged attacks while deploying powerful bots. The Stalker, silent and deadly assassins, using advanced stealth technology to stalk and painfully eviscerate their foes. The Medic specialized in battlefield support, using their arsenal of gadgets to heal their friends and liquidate their enemies.

Once finished with quite the detailed character creation process, you have the basic MMORPG beginning. “Oh who ever will help us with this problem? The horror! Oh, wait, what is this? A hero has arrived!” Not quite yet treated as a hero in this game, sure enough, you are the only one who can solve a specific problem, and so you have started your quest line. The beginning stage is quite OK, as you get to know the controls, the fighting, and item collection and so on. 

The unique thing

Before I get to my point, the game offers something else. Paths. You can choose from four Paths. The explorer, the soldier, the settler and the scientist. Each one giving the player a different view of the world. While the settler builds useful and decorative structures, that other players can actually use, the scientist gets to explore more of the world, study it and unlock its secrets.
Constructing barricades. Settlers make a huge difference in the world of Nexus.
Now this is where I believe WildStar is doing a very good job. Variation. Even early in the game, you get to play around with other stuff, like the Paths. This is optional though, so if you are not like me and want to stay on your main quest or quests in general, you can absolutely do that, but I can easily get tired of questing, so they have given me many options. I was running around collection recourses, and then using these to build NPC defense plots and healing boost stations. The cool thing is that other players can benefit from this. It is a lot of fun to see that things you do as a settler really does affect the world.
Defuseing landmines is one of the many interesting challenges.
Another thing they have done is adding challenges around on the map. This varies from climbing a mountain fast enough, killing a number of enemies in a certain time, or disarming bombs before they explode. These variations, the fact that you can easily go and do something else for a while, really helps the game a lot, and kept me playing. On top of this, there are mini-quests that pop up while you do other stuff, often something to do with the quest you are currently working on. A message could ask you to help a trapped miner, or freeing caged animals. This is yet again optional, but adds a lot to the game.

The gameplay

Now as far as the movement and fighting goes, it actually feels very good. The movement is slightly unusual at first, but you quickly get used to it. Especially in combat, fast movement is key. Now this is because the game runs a unique fighting system, as they use a wide range of different AOE (area of effect) attacks. Early in the game, these are quite slow and easy to dodge, but it gets more and more challenging, not to mention interesting.
Stuff everywhere! Still, the combat is very fun.
(The AOE combat explained: An area in front of, or around and enemy, will light up with transparent red. It will increase the intensity of the color, up to a solid red color. This indicates the time of when the AOE attack will occur. If you are still standing inside this area, you will take extra damage and negative effects. These attacks can be fire-breathing monsters in a cone in front of it, bomb planting pirate and thus a circle around him, or a warrior with a sword slashing away at you.

Now your skills are mostly AOE skills. Similarly, you will charge a light blue area in front/around you, which increases in strength until a solid blue and the skill activates. This requires the player to aim the skills in order to hit the enemies, as well as try to make it as effective as possible. There are also combos, since using skills in the right order will position you correctly, and deal extra damage. All of this while you try to avoid enemy AOE. Now, this could sound complicated and stressful, but all the action this gives is extremely enjoyable, and it really is not that complicated.)

Now before I finish of there are a couple smaller things. First of I like a lot how the game looks. The landscape when you look at it from a mountain is epic. The music is fine, though I did not pay much attention to it. Then there is the fact that it is still a beta, so I encountered some bugs here and there, but this was solved with a simple /stuck, and it will most likely be fixed before the release. 

My final thoughts

All right. Well I really, very much enjoyed the combat system. The action packed fights were fun, dodge some AOE, fire away, send my bots to attack for me (playing engineer). The movement is good. Some gravity jumps needed some getting used to, as well as the double jump, but then it works fine. I love the huge variation. There is simply a ton of options in this game. The races, the classes, the paths, and then the skill system is very nice. On top of this, there is the fact that you can build your own house, but this I did not really get into. Player vs Player is also something I did not get to this time, but this weekend there is another beta test, and I will be playing more of this.
As a person that easily gets tired of MMORPGs, I can still recommend this. I had a lot of fun, mostly because I got the option to leave the quest line and sort of do my own thing. I felt free to do what I wanted, and it felt great.
Epic landscape. Quite early in the starting area.

Story: Now as the exiles you don't exactly start of as the one and only hero, as in many other games. You are more like the only guy that's at the right place at the right time, and you'll have to do. Your respect as a great person has to be earned, which is quite refreshing as I feel that most games tells you that you are The One And Only from the beginning. As soon as you finish a few starting quests, you have the option to leave the main quest line, and do pretty much what you want to. I felt free to do what I wanted, and it felt great.

Gameplay: The combat and movement is very different from any other MMORPG. WildStar uses a wide variation of AOE (Area of Effect) attacks, that you often have to dodge. The players skills mostly consists of these attacks as well, so you really have to move to the correct position in order to deal the most damage. The movement helps this out a lot, as you can roll around and double jump in and out of battle with ease.

Graphics: The game looks amazing. It's colorful and nice to look at. When you get to the top of a mountain, not difficult with the jumping in the game, you get an epic view of the vast landscape. Awesome looking structures, floating mysterious gems, and a weather that really makes a nice finish to it. The game also looks very good when it turns to night. The cutscenes look very good, some of them has some cool action as well, like a ship getting shot down.

Sound: The sound of combat works very well. You can hear it as an enemy is charging up its special attack, and you'll know that you want to get out of there. The voice acting is good, not much to say about it. The music I didn't pay much attention to, as I was consumed by everything else. Will have to get back to that next beta.

The Score

Now I will not claim that I know 100% what I'm talking about, and you should not trust my final score for this game only. Yes, you might even have a different opinion, but I will still try my best to give this game what I believe would be a fair score. This score will not be any further explained, it is based on my experience playing the game, my opinion on the game, which is explained in the text above. Without further ado, the score I will be giving WildStar is:

Score: 6/7

Finally, I would recommend watching their trailers for the game, especially the Dominion and Exile introductions. Highly entertaining and well made.

- Neollok

Hello World! I'm Neollok! - New KDS writer introduced

4:41 PM Posted by Unknown , No comments
My name is Neollok. I will be making some reviews for GamerKDS. I am a gamer by heart, and I also work on making them. I will be posting game reviews every now and then, from bigger games to smaller indie games. There will be written reviews and video reviews. I will be talking about story, gameplay, graphic and sound, as well as personal overall opinion. At the end I will also try to give the game a fair score, based on these five themes. The score will be ranged from 1 to 7, don't question it, that's how it's going to work.

I hope you will find my reviews helpful. They are simply my opinion, so if you disagree, have a question, or want to point out a terrible mistake I've made, please do tell me.

Looking forward to this.


Story: My story is not amazing. It could use some more action, hard work, lots and lots more airsoft battles and LARP (Live Action Role Play). Still, it does include a lot of interesting and supporting cast, which saves the story quite a lot.

Gameplay: The gameplay is mostly repetitive. The character is mostly doing the same thing every day, with some variation like the mentioned airsoft battles and LARP. Some traveling also helps spice up the game.

Graphics: Too realistic. This game is trying to look awesome, but it mostly ends up looking quite dull.

Sound: If you're looking for a main character with a singing voice, this is not the game you're looking for. Sounds in general are ok, though the character is sadly the owner of a very crappy headset, which doesn't exactly help.

The score

Now even though I could not claim to be an expert, it is now my duty, at least to try, to give this game a fair score based on the four themes above as well as my overall personal opinion. The score will not be further explained, as everything important should be covered in the review. So without further ado, the score I will be giving Neollok is:

Score: 0.7/7

- Neollok

April 17, 2014

April 1, 2014

League of Legends - Kastalour

3:36 PM Posted by Unknown , , , No comments
In this post I'll talk about what I play and so on when I play league of legends. I just recently reached lvl 30 and I'm not said to be a very great player. But I have fun, I do decent and I'm doing this post so that you'll know what to expect from my LoL streams.

I'll be covering these subjects:
  • Champions I play
  • Game modes
  • Lanes/roles
  • Player in general

Champions I play

When I first started league, I played Ashe and Graves, but the first champion I actually learned to play was Ezreal. For a while there, I played mainly Ez and Nidalee. Then, I moved on and played a lot of ADC, and I don't really remember if I was any good at it or not. SO!
 I have no idea of how I got to it, but I started playing tanky ap champions at some point. My main as of now, is Amumu. Oh, I am so goddamn in love with that little angel of death and depression! I do something weird with him though, as I usually play him bottom lane in premade with Neollok as Ashe. Don't hate on the anti-meta! It works like bitch, and my opponents are indeed depressed by me.
  I love the tanky motherf***ers, and so I have somewhat control of playing Nautilus and Rammus as well. I rarely play them though, as I don't know jack shit of jungeling.
  Right now, I'm doing a lot of Nidalee, as I discovered I'm a killer at landing spears of pain and the mobility of kitty cat mode is hillarious!

In summary, I play: Amumu, Nidalee, Ezreal, Kog'Maw, Caitlyn, Vayne, Rammus, Nautilus and MAYBE Sona at times.

Game modes

As of the different game modes, I'm pretty boring. I play a shit load of ARAM, just because it's silly fun and I hate choosing which champion to play.
I also play Summoners Rift, normal and now also ranked. Whenever there's a new mode, I usually try that too. I loved the "all for one" and the "ultra rapid fire" (last one just because it's so incredibly stupid) and I'm looking forward to whatever they may come up with.
  Twistet Treeline, I haven't played that much. I used to play it back in 10th grade with people form my school, and rarely more than that. Why? Because I feel like the preassure is too high and I don't really have any friends who play it either.
  Dominion, I do like. Problem is, I don't know what the hell I'm doing whenever I'm playing it. I get really confused and don't really know where to go or who to help. I usually just roll around as Rammus, bumping into people.

In summary, I play: ARAM and Summoners Rift (normal, ranked and team builder).


This is where people usually flip on me. Let me start of by explaining why I play Amumu bot as a tanky, ap support(ish) and not in the jungle: I don't really jungle, opponents can't to shit to me making me a good body block if needed and I have amazing sustain. ALSO, I only play Amumu when I'm premade with Neollok. Finally, I WANT TO.

With that said, let me move on to the lanes I play.
I play bot a lot, as mentioned, premade with Neollok. In ranked, however, I've ended up mid a couple of times with Nidalee. Went pretty fine too.

What I pretty much never play is top and jungle. Whenever I enter the champion select, people are usually all over those anyway. The only times I throw myself over a position is when I'm premade and I want to get my ass botlane.

Roles, now. I mainly play as a tanky support, or just a support. I rarely play adc, simply because I suck at being squishy. I CAN do it though, if need be. I also CAN play apc, but that pretty much never happens.

In summary, I play: bot lane or mid, tanky support or carry if need be.

Player in general

As a player, I'm really not one of the aggressive flamers. They honestly ruin the game for me, and lower my moral like crazy. I don't respond though. I am mostly extremely silent in chat, as I don't see myself as a player with lots to say.

I'm not very experienced, nor am I very invested. I play a few games every now and then, I've bought a little bit of riot points whenever I felt like making Amumu look beautiful, and I've got about 50 friend, as of only 20% I can actually remember.

I wouldn't say that I suck at it though. I don't know a lot of stuff, but the stuff I do know I do pretty alright. I'd say I'm a 6/10 player most of the time, not doing bad but not notably good either. I have my moments though.

Finally, I play for fun. I'm in the process of getting involved with a full, ranked team with some friends, and it would be cool to get somewhere with it, but it's still for fun.

So that's it, guys. There you have me as a LoL player. Be sure to check out the streams at GamerKDS on Twitch.tv, and follow me on twitter/pay attention to this blog to keep updated on when I stream.